Brightest teaches the ins and outs of test automation at PXL Hogeschool

June 1, 2023

Joke Gijsbrechts

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Brightest is the knowledge centre on software testing in Flanders. With our three regional offices in Kontich, Ghent and Genk, we are perfectly placed for a structural partnership with Hogeschool PXL. During their studies, ICT students are introduced to the wonderful world of test automation.


PXL speaking

“Shift-left test automation is a buzzword these days,” says Nathalie Fuchs. She is a lecturer, researcher and programme leader of Software Management at Hogeschool PXL. “But test automation, like everything within ICT, is constantly evolving. New automation tools are introduced every day, in a manner of speaking. We want our junior colleagues to be able to apply the lastest new solutions hands-on through training in these innovative tools. Brightest offers with The Bright Academy an extensive training package for both companies and our school courses. This tailored to our needs. In the context of PXL Digital’s community-driven education model, it is an enormous added value for our students (junior colleagues), but also for myself (professionalisation), to get to know the ins and outs of the test automation profession during training. Quality is more important than ever. Students will encounter this in the work field anyway.


Testing in the curriculum

PXL Digital is currently one of the few ICT programmes in Flanders to structurally inculde software testing in its curriculum. Brightest is pleased with this collaboration: “As a knowledge and R&D centre in software testing, we need to invest heavily to prepare the best software testers for the future,” says Joke Gijsbrechts, lead Centre of Expertise & The Bright Academy at Brightest. “On the one hand, we are proud of PXL Digital’s vision to fill the knowledge needs regarding test automation with our expertise. On the other hand, we are proud of PXL Digital joining our regional ecosystem in Limburg. The perfect answer to the quality needs of customers today and the great need for good, technically skilled software testers at our customers. We are enormously looking forward to enthusing a new generation of ICT students for test automation and preparing them for a job market full of challenges and opportunities.”

Let’s work together

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