Hi there. At Brightest, we aim for first time right digitalization. Our software testing solutions provide your company with qualitative answers to the most pressing challenges when developing software.
What we do
Focus on your future, knowing that the quality of your products is secured.
Test Automation
Software test automation is one of our core competences. Our community of technical consultants are experts in a wide range of test automation tools for automating web, desktop and mobile applications, APIs and mainframes. And this for commercial tools as well as open-source libraries.
Security Testing
Applications need to be secure and protect their users’ data. In the short term, security testing can reactively help you solve existing vulnerabilities in your application(s). In the long term increased security awareness can proactively streamline the process of fortifying your application(s) and new features by integrating security testing.
A BrightScan is a highly effective assessment executed by a specialist to obtain an objective analysis of your current software quality organisation. It allows you to improve your organisation’s QA maturity and time to market, while reducing quality costs.
Performance testing
Performance testing is the practice of determining how applications, hardware, networks, databases, … will perform under a particular workload. The main goal is to improve speed, scalability, stability and reliability.
SQAI Suite – Revolutionizing Software Quality with AI
Revolutionizing Software Quality with AI.
Flex Testing
IT-departments tend to struggle more and more with time- and budget restrictions. When unforeseen circumstances (illness, vacation, go-live) arise, companies often have a need for fast & temporary test capacity. Flex testing provides an ideal solution in these situations.
We guide your organization or team in the right direction, bring new insights and quickly add expertise.
ERP Testing
EaaP/ ERP testing is an automation-driven quality approach focused on integrating and deploying any ERP solution First Time Right.
Working at Brightest
Invest in your professional and personal growth.
We’ve created an environment in which every “brighter” can discover and unlock his or her full potential.

About us
High quality software evident and accessible for any organization.
We aim high by creating innovative services and solutions, with a dedicated team of top-notch consultants who combine creativity and effectivity, and enable our clients to realize their quality objectives.
The Bright Academy
The Bright Academy - Start investing in yourself.
The ability to adapt and learn faster than your competitors is the only sustainable competitive advantage