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  • SQAI

Creating detailed test cases with AI

In the rapidly evolving world of software development and testing, AI is playing an increasingly significant role. Read on to discover what it’s like to work with AI in software testing, with a focus on using AI for writing test cases.

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  • Test Automation

6 key takeaways from the Test Automation Days 2024

Some Brighters attended the Test Automation Days in Rotterdam. During these two days they gathered several new insights that we would like to share with you. Here’s a summary of their collective experiences and key takeaways.

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Brightest at the test automation days
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  • Security Testing

How to secure the Internet of Things (IoT)?

An increasing number of households and businesses are harnessing the power of Internet of Things (IoT). But how secure are these systems, and are hackers able to access your home or business through the back alleys of Internet of Things?

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How to secure the Internet of Things (IoT)
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  • Human Capital

Brightest runs the 100 km-run for Kom op tegen Kanker

Three teams of Brightest colleagues will participate in the “100 km-run” event for Kom op tegen Kanker. Each team will represent one regional office: Kontich, Ghent and Genk. Do you want to show your support to our teams and to the cancer research?

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100 km run voor Kom op tegen Kanker
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  • SQAI

Make sure your IT team holds the right cards

As a company you need to have the right cards in hand. Today, one of those major trump cards is AI. In this blog we discuss how to effectively use AI for software quality and software testing.

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has your IT team the right cards in hand?
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  • BrightScan

BrightScan, the number one basic in the software quality closet

If you ask anyone about the must have basic in a wardrobe our guess is that the classic white shirt would be listed as the number one. Let us change the wardrobe to an IT organization in any company, then the classic white shirt can be replaced by a BrightScan. Why? We’ll explain here.

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BrightScan quality assessment
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  • ERP Testing

6 key elements for an efficient ERP testing solution architecture

It’s not easy to become an ideal test solution architecture for ERP projects. But we have collected some key elements for you.

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Discussing solution architecture
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  • ERP Testing

Testing strategies for enhanced ERP performance

Unlocking the full potential of ERP systems is critical for modern businesses, with a focus on ensuring reliability and security. In this blog, we delve into the significance of testing strategies for enhanced ERP performance. Discover three strategic testing approaches aligning seamlessly with CIOs key priorities.

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testing strategies
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  • Security Testing

The importance of phishing awareness

The recent cyberattacks have once again emphasized the importance of IT security. The attackers used phishing to get inside the system and to steal personal data. But what is phishing and how can we help you preventing it?

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  • Flex Testing

Flex testing, flexible quality assurance on demand

Companies are breaking traditional patterns in terms of software delivery. The need to deliver faster and more frequently contrasts with thoroughly tested software that follows a certain timeline. That’s why we offer you flex testing. Expertise in small doses when needed.

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flex testing
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  • Human Capital

With feedback we improve

At Brightest, we always seek to improve. That’s why we care about feedback (both giving and receiving). One of our main sources of employee feedback is our Bright Survey.

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hq teamday
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  • Test Automation

Why we decided to develop our own test automation framework

Talk of the town lately: the famous test automation framework. But what exactly is a test automation framework? What do we mean by it? And above all, why do we use it? What are the advantages and are there any disadvantages?

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  • ERP Testing

The proof of the SAP is in the drinking

Something can only be judged to be good or bad after it had been tried or used. So, the best way to test the quality of a SAP system is to taste it rather than admire its appearance.

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  • Test Automation

What you need to know about test automation

A fast ‘time to market’ combined with the expected quality and flexibility, are crucial for an organizations operating in the field of software development. Slow delivery can make that your competitors stay one step ahead of you. Test automation can help you with this, so you don’t fall behind on your competitors.

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  • ERP Testing

The 5 most common challenges in ERP testing

ERP testing doesn’t come without its challenges. Discover here the 5 most common challenges and, most importantly, how to overcome them.

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Women presenting in front of colleagues
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  • Test Automation

Playwright for web automation

In the fast-paced world of software development, automated web testing is a necessity for building robust products. Choosing the right automation tool is crucial, and Playwright, a cutting-edge framework from Microsoft, has swiftly become a formidable contender in the web automation landscape.

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playwright web automation tool
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  • ERP Testing

Revolutionizing healthcare software testing with synthetic test data

In healthcare environments, where sensitive patient data is involved, the need for quality testing is paramount. Traditional testing methods that rely on production data can be risky due to data privacy concerns. This is where synthetic test data can provide a solution.

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data privacy
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  • Test Automation

MQTT protocols and the Internet of Things

The MQTT protocol is becoming very important in the IoT landscape which makes it important to test this thoroughly. Read on and know how!

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mqtt protocols and the internet of things
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  • Performance Testing

Performance testing easily explained

Your soccer team’s championship celebration, the toll roads in France during the summer and online school platforms in times of the Covid crisis. They all have a similar problem. How can performance testing avoid this? Let’s find out!

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performance testing easily explained
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  • ERP Testing

Katalon Studio and OpenAI making the business case for AI in ERP testing

Although OpenAI and Katalon Studio are different technologies, there are a number of ways they can work together. In this way, they deliver value in complex software testing environments such as ERP projects.

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  • Security Testing

How can OWASP help you with application security?

The list of articles related to application security and data protection is getting longer every day. To keep up with the latest developments in security risks and solutions, we can highly advise the OWASP standards.

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security testing with OWASP
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  • Test Automation

How to make test automation work for you

Test automation often becomes a bottleneck. The reasons can be various, but very often the problem begins with the choice of tooling to support this process. How can we avoid test automation becoming a bottleneck for the organization?

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working behind computer with test automation tools
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  • ERP Testing

How to make ERP testing less complex?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are the backbone of many organizations. They provide critical support for finance, human resources, supply chain management, and other functions. As these systems become more complex, testing them thoroughly seems to become increasingly difficult.

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working on erp testing
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  • ERP Testing

How AI-powered testing of ERP systems promises cost savings

One of the understated truths about ERP systems is that they are ever-changing. A minor tweak in one module can impact multiple business functions. It’s hard for traditional ERP testing to keep up with this dynamic environment. Enter BrightSQAI, a combination of AI with years of software quality industry expertise.

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  • Performance Testing

Countdown to Black Friday. But is your website ready?

Countdown to Black Friday, shop till you drop, I like my Fridays black, … Mediamarkt, Fnac, Zalando,, … they all have their Black Friday. But is their website ready for the big numbers of visitors.

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Black friday and performance testing
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  • ERP Testing

How a data virtualization solution like Delphix increases the ROI of ERP testing

Businesses are constantly seeking solutions that can increase their ERP testing’s efficiency and effectiveness while reducing the associated costs. This is where Delphix, an ingenious data virtualization platform, comes into play.

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data virtualization with Delphix
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  • BrightScan

Cost-efficient software testing. Where to start?

Organizations are often unable to manage software testing in an effective yet efficient way. This requires and initial investment. So, the million-dollar question arises: when does an organization need to make this investment and where to start?

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where to start with cost-efficient software testing
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  • Security Testing

BrightNight recap – Things that go bump on the web

Read this recap of the security session during our BrightNight here. During this session, Stijn Jans from Intigriti talks about how we are all hackers. He also discusses the difference between penetration testing and crowd hacking.

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BrightNight recap security
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  • ERP Testing

BrightNight recap – Leveraging AI and data virtualization for QA in ERP implementations

We want to take a moment to share our thoughts and insights from the recent BrightNight session, where we delved into the world of software testing in the era of AI. As individuals who have spent years as quality and test managers, we couldn’t help but be intrigued by, and also doubt, the potential impact of AI in our field.

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BrightNight recap about ERP testing
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  • Business

Brightest teaches the ins and outs of test automation at PXL Hogeschool

Brightest is the knowledge centre on software testing in Flanders. With our three regional offices in Kontich, Ghent and Genk, we are perfectly placed for a structural partnership with Hogeschool PXL. During their studies, ICT students are introduced to the wonderful world of test automation.

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Sepp teaches the in and outs of test automation at PXL
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  • Performance Testing

The vital role of performance testing

In today’s rapidly evolving digital age, the energy sector stands at the crossroads of innovation and necessity. As this industry grapples with a myriad of challenges, from optimizing electricity production to achieving carbon neutrality and embracing renewable energy sources, one vital tool emerges to ensure its success: performance testing.

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the vital role of performance testing for the energy sector
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  • Security Testing

AI Confessions: Inside the security gaps of language models

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t ventured into the realms of Artificial Intelligence nowadays (AI). Knowingly or otherwise. But how secure and reliable are AIs, and their underlying LLMs (large language models)?

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AI security
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  • Test Automation

Agile automated testing

Nowadays many companies are working Agile or are switching towards it. Agile allows you to deliver new features faster and more efficiently. This also means that the QA team is faced with testing against a constantly shifting target. So, you need agile testing as well.

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  • Business

6 (wrong) reasons not to hire software testers

Many companies don’t believe in the added value of testing. Even though, they see the importance of having a quality product. In this blog you can read about the most common excuses we have heard for not hiring software testers. Spoiler alert: they are wrong.

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  • ERP Testing

6 (data) security challenges in ERP projects

ERP systems contain sensitive business data and are often integrated with other critical systems, making them attractive targets for attackers. In this article, we discuss the most common security challenges in ERP projects.

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shaking hand between erp projects and security testing
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  • ERP Testing

6 reasons why Databox adds value to your ERP testing cycles

Databox allows you to easily monitor and track KPIs that are important for your ERP system. This way it can add value to your ERP testing.

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preview of databox
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  • ERP Testing

5 tips for ERP test data management

In today’s IT industry, companies look for ways and means to reduce costs. They do this in various ways, for example reducing infrastructure costs, shortening test cycles to reduce testing costs, introducing automation etc. One of the key factors in improving quality and reduce costs is (test) data management. So providing the right set of data at the right time to the right environment.

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Colleagues discussing something
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  • ERP Testing

4 ways low-code test automation will rescue your ERP project

Low-code platforms offer an alternative approach to ERP test automation that adds value to the ERP testing process. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the added value of low-code platforms in ERP test automation.

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Women presenting in front of colleagues
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  • ERP Testing

4 methods to benefit financially from test data virtualization

Test data virtualization has several advantages, for example you can benefit financially from it. Discover here 4 methods to do so.

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People in meeting
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  • ERP Testing

3 reasons why you should invest in professional ERP testing

The ERP space is booming! There, we said it. But an ERP system upgrade or migration is never an easy lift and shift. Therefore, it is a wise decision to invest in professional ERP testing.

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People working together
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  • ERP Testing

2 ways service virtualization can save you €300k on your ERP implementation

You know that feeling when third party ERP integrations are slowing down project progress? Then service virtualization might be the solution for you.

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Women working behind computer
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  • BrightScan

What to look for when choosing between test management tools?

You should not over engineer a complex process or implement ‘the best’ (and usually most expensive) tools. However, you still need a process and preferably a test management tool when you want to measure the quality of your product. Sometimes we get the opportunity to help a customer in selecting a test management tool. Find out how we do it here.

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choosing the right test management tools
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  • Security Testing

Cyber security and quantum computing

In a recent poll on our LinkedIn page, we asked people what they believe the biggest security challenges in the coming years would be. The results are in: the majority of voters consider quantum computing to be the biggest upcoming challenge for securing our online world.

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Quantum computing
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  • Security Testing

Why is security testing so important for the banking industry?

The financial sector is about 300 times more vulnerable to cyber-attacks than other sectors. By conducting regular security checks, banks can identify and fix vulnerabilities before they are exploited. 

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  • ERP Testing

6 key elements for an efficient ERP testing solution architecture

It’s not easy to become an ideal test solution architecture for ERP projects. But we have collected some key elements for you.

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Discussing solution architecture
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  • ERP Testing

Testing strategies for enhanced ERP performance

Unlocking the full potential of ERP systems is critical for modern businesses, with a focus on ensuring reliability and security. In this blog, we delve into the significance of testing strategies for enhanced ERP performance. Discover three strategic testing approaches aligning seamlessly with CIOs key priorities.

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testing strategies
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  • ERP Testing

The proof of the SAP is in the drinking

Something can only be judged to be good or bad after it had been tried or used. So, the best way to test the quality of a SAP system is to taste it rather than admire its appearance.

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  • ERP Testing

The 5 most common challenges in ERP testing

ERP testing doesn’t come without its challenges. Discover here the 5 most common challenges and, most importantly, how to overcome them.

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Women presenting in front of colleagues
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  • ERP Testing

Revolutionizing healthcare software testing with synthetic test data

In healthcare environments, where sensitive patient data is involved, the need for quality testing is paramount. Traditional testing methods that rely on production data can be risky due to data privacy concerns. This is where synthetic test data can provide a solution.

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data privacy
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  • ERP Testing

Katalon Studio and OpenAI making the business case for AI in ERP testing

Although OpenAI and Katalon Studio are different technologies, there are a number of ways they can work together. In this way, they deliver value in complex software testing environments such as ERP projects.

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  • ERP Testing

How to make ERP testing less complex?

Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) systems are the backbone of many organizations. They provide critical support for finance, human resources, supply chain management, and other functions. As these systems become more complex, testing them thoroughly seems to become increasingly difficult.

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working on erp testing
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  • ERP Testing

How AI-powered testing of ERP systems promises cost savings

One of the understated truths about ERP systems is that they are ever-changing. A minor tweak in one module can impact multiple business functions. It’s hard for traditional ERP testing to keep up with this dynamic environment. Enter BrightSQAI, a combination of AI with years of software quality industry expertise.

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  • ERP Testing

How a data virtualization solution like Delphix increases the ROI of ERP testing

Businesses are constantly seeking solutions that can increase their ERP testing’s efficiency and effectiveness while reducing the associated costs. This is where Delphix, an ingenious data virtualization platform, comes into play.

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data virtualization with Delphix
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  • ERP Testing

BrightNight recap – Leveraging AI and data virtualization for QA in ERP implementations

We want to take a moment to share our thoughts and insights from the recent BrightNight session, where we delved into the world of software testing in the era of AI. As individuals who have spent years as quality and test managers, we couldn’t help but be intrigued by, and also doubt, the potential impact of AI in our field.

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BrightNight recap about ERP testing
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  • ERP Testing

6 (data) security challenges in ERP projects

ERP systems contain sensitive business data and are often integrated with other critical systems, making them attractive targets for attackers. In this article, we discuss the most common security challenges in ERP projects.

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shaking hand between erp projects and security testing
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  • ERP Testing

6 reasons why Databox adds value to your ERP testing cycles

Databox allows you to easily monitor and track KPIs that are important for your ERP system. This way it can add value to your ERP testing.

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preview of databox
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  • ERP Testing

5 tips for ERP test data management

In today’s IT industry, companies look for ways and means to reduce costs. They do this in various ways, for example reducing infrastructure costs, shortening test cycles to reduce testing costs, introducing automation etc. One of the key factors in improving quality and reduce costs is (test) data management. So providing the right set of data at the right time to the right environment.

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Colleagues discussing something
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  • ERP Testing

4 ways low-code test automation will rescue your ERP project

Low-code platforms offer an alternative approach to ERP test automation that adds value to the ERP testing process. In this blog post, we’ll discuss the added value of low-code platforms in ERP test automation.

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Women presenting in front of colleagues
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  • ERP Testing

4 methods to benefit financially from test data virtualization

Test data virtualization has several advantages, for example you can benefit financially from it. Discover here 4 methods to do so.

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People in meeting
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  • ERP Testing

3 reasons why you should invest in professional ERP testing

The ERP space is booming! There, we said it. But an ERP system upgrade or migration is never an easy lift and shift. Therefore, it is a wise decision to invest in professional ERP testing.

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People working together
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  • ERP Testing

2 ways service virtualization can save you €300k on your ERP implementation

You know that feeling when third party ERP integrations are slowing down project progress? Then service virtualization might be the solution for you.

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Women working behind computer
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  • Security Testing

How to secure the Internet of Things (IoT)?

An increasing number of households and businesses are harnessing the power of Internet of Things (IoT). But how secure are these systems, and are hackers able to access your home or business through the back alleys of Internet of Things?

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How to secure the Internet of Things (IoT)
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  • Security Testing

The importance of phishing awareness

The recent cyberattacks have once again emphasized the importance of IT security. The attackers used phishing to get inside the system and to steal personal data. But what is phishing and how can we help you preventing it?

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  • Security Testing

How can OWASP help you with application security?

The list of articles related to application security and data protection is getting longer every day. To keep up with the latest developments in security risks and solutions, we can highly advise the OWASP standards.

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security testing with OWASP
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  • Security Testing

BrightNight recap – Things that go bump on the web

Read this recap of the security session during our BrightNight here. During this session, Stijn Jans from Intigriti talks about how we are all hackers. He also discusses the difference between penetration testing and crowd hacking.

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BrightNight recap security
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  • Security Testing

AI Confessions: Inside the security gaps of language models

You’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t ventured into the realms of Artificial Intelligence nowadays (AI). Knowingly or otherwise. But how secure and reliable are AIs, and their underlying LLMs (large language models)?

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AI security
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  • Security Testing

Cyber security and quantum computing

In a recent poll on our LinkedIn page, we asked people what they believe the biggest security challenges in the coming years would be. The results are in: the majority of voters consider quantum computing to be the biggest upcoming challenge for securing our online world.

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Quantum computing
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  • Security Testing

Why is security testing so important for the banking industry?

The financial sector is about 300 times more vulnerable to cyber-attacks than other sectors. By conducting regular security checks, banks can identify and fix vulnerabilities before they are exploited. 

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  • Test Automation

6 key takeaways from the Test Automation Days 2024

Some Brighters attended the Test Automation Days in Rotterdam. During these two days they gathered several new insights that we would like to share with you. Here’s a summary of their collective experiences and key takeaways.

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Brightest at the test automation days
  • Test Automation

GitHub Reusable Workflows vs. Composite Actions

Everyone knows GitHub as a platform for storing private and public Git repositories and collaborating with other developers. But besides storing repositories, GitHub also offers features like Issues, Project boards, Wiki’s and GitHub Actions. These last ones can be used to automate your workflows. In this article we will focus on a special kind of workflow and actions: Reusable Workflows and Composite Actions.

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github reusable workflows
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  • Test Automation

Why we decided to develop our own test automation framework

Talk of the town lately: the famous test automation framework. But what exactly is a test automation framework? What do we mean by it? And above all, why do we use it? What are the advantages and are there any disadvantages?

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  • Test Automation

What you need to know about test automation

A fast ‘time to market’ combined with the expected quality and flexibility, are crucial for an organizations operating in the field of software development. Slow delivery can make that your competitors stay one step ahead of you. Test automation can help you with this, so you don’t fall behind on your competitors.

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  • Test Automation

Playwright for web automation

In the fast-paced world of software development, automated web testing is a necessity for building robust products. Choosing the right automation tool is crucial, and Playwright, a cutting-edge framework from Microsoft, has swiftly become a formidable contender in the web automation landscape.

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playwright web automation tool
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  • Test Automation

MQTT protocols and the Internet of Things

The MQTT protocol is becoming very important in the IoT landscape which makes it important to test this thoroughly. Read on and know how!

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mqtt protocols and the internet of things
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  • Test Automation

How to make test automation work for you

Test automation often becomes a bottleneck. The reasons can be various, but very often the problem begins with the choice of tooling to support this process. How can we avoid test automation becoming a bottleneck for the organization?

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working behind computer with test automation tools
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  • Test Automation

Agile automated testing

Nowadays many companies are working Agile or are switching towards it. Agile allows you to deliver new features faster and more efficiently. This also means that the QA team is faced with testing against a constantly shifting target. So, you need agile testing as well.

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