At Brightest, we always seek to improve. That’s why we care about feedback (both giving and receiving).
One of our main sources of employee feedback is our Bright Survey. Of course, a survey loses its value if nothing is done with the results. So, where are we now, 6 months after our latest Bright Survey? Which actions did we take?
Current situation
Before going into the actions, first a summary of the key results we obtained from the survey:
Going well
- 87% of our consultants are (very) happy at Brightest
- 80% are (very) happy with their project
- 90% have access to all learning & development opportunities they wish for
- 93% of our consultants would recommend Brightest as employer
Room for improvement
- 6.82/10 is the average rating for mental health and wellbeing
- 48% of our consultants want to know more about ergonomics
- Even though 89% of our consultants are happy with the connection they have with their Bright colleagues, we learned that our HQ consultants would like to connect more (83% of the consultants who’ve indicated they would like more connection, are from HQ region)
Hybrid work
Did you know that our consultants spend only 1.5 days at the client’s office, on average? The remaining days they work from home or from one of our three Brightest offices (Ghent, Genk, Kontich).
Our action plan
- To respond to the needs of our HQ consultants for more connection, we have introduced our “HQ Team Days” at the Kontich office: days where all HQ consultants gather at the Kontich office to spend the work day together and enjoy fun activities in between, and have lunch and dinner together.
- We reached out to a partner with expertise in ergonomics and are looking into workshop possibilities.
- To further guarantee that our consultants will have access to all learning and development opportunities they need. We’ve improved our “competence matrix” and “level tree” and we keep improving trajectories for consultants of all levels (junior-medior-senior).
With these actions, we continue to empower people and excel together, and we show that we always treasure quality. Aim high!